Yet the unthinkable has happened, even for people who positively hated 2017's Justice League. WW84 and the passable but ridiculously expensive Birds of Prey were but the nails in that coffin. After Whedon's Justice League, the DC game was largely over.

That's not to say that each and every entry isn't flawed - they all still are - but the gift of hindsight actually works wonders for this frequently studio-hobbled saga, particularly in what is now likely the closest we will ever get to Snyder's original vision for the films. Revisiting Zack Snyder's " Man of Steel Trilogy" puts a lot of things into perspective. A new look, a new ratio, and the superior R-rated longer cut - after the success of Zack Snyder's Justice League maybe there's no better time to reassess the deeply flawed Batman v Superman.