The five highest-grade composites within this structure average 37.6 gpt gold over 3 m lengths demonstrating that there are some higher-grade domains that can be identified. Additional drilling to the north will test to see if the structure continues to flatten. The principal controlling structure has been drilled from surface where it dips 59o to a depth of 250 m below surface where the dip appears to have flattened to 24o. The western-most drill holes intersected 0.58 gpt gold over 3.0m in MHRC 17-8 and 0.66 gpt gold over 6.1 m in MHRC 19-1 leaving the zone to be open for expansion west of this location.

Significant gold mineralization was encountered in 117 of these. The Mexican Hat’s principal controlling structure is exposed on surface and is traced by numerous surface trenches and 124 drill holes. This step out exploration phase will include testing the principal mineralized structure from 100 m to 900 m away from previously drilled Mineral Resources, potentially increasing the footprint of the deposit by 70% in strike. Eight drill holes are designed to test these targets with up to 3,050 m of total drilling.

These areas are defined geophysically and possess geochemically anomalous soils that are enriched in gold and gold pathfinder elements.

In consultation with technical advisors, including DRW Geological Consultants Ltd., RESPEC, Tetra-Tech Canada, and IMDEX Inc., three areas of the Mexican Hat mineral resource were found to contain probable extensions of the principal mineralized structure that hosts and controls the Mexican Hat gold deposit. (the “Company” or “GMV”) (TSX-V: GMV) (OTCQB: “GMVMF”) is pleased to announce that, once drill permitting has been completed, it will conduct the first of two diamond drill programs on its wholly-owned Mexican Hat Property, Cochise County, Arizona, USA. VANCOUVER, BC, March 1, 2021 – GMV Minerals Inc.